Fallen trees
Fallen trees

Fallen trees

Fallen trees

Requests regarding fallen verge or park trees.
Last updated on: 23 August 2024

Urgent requests

  • If the fallen tree is currently a hazard, please report it to the City by calling 1300 4 CANNING (1300 422 664). You can call this number 24-hours a day for urgent/high priority assistance.
  • This will allow an Officer to respond with the highest priority.

Important information

  • The City will assist with removing fallen street and park trees.
  • If possible, please attach a photo showing the fallen tree.

Main Roads WA

Main Roads WA are responsible for the maintenance of trees along:
  • Roe Highway
  • Albany Highway
  • South Street
  • Orrong Road
  • Leach Highway.
If the request relates to trees on these roads, please contact Main Roads WA on 13 81 38 or enquiries@mainroads.wa.gov.au

Tree reference numbers

  • All City maintained trees are identified by a tree asset number.
  • To support more efficient processes, the City encourages residents to use our mapping tool to identify the tree related to the request.
  • Please include this tree reference number in the notes of the request.

Raise a request

  • To report an issue with a fallen tree, please click on the button below.
  • An Officer will investigate and respond within three (3) working days.